Median salary in Finland
After analyzing the hourly wage in different municipalities of the country, the Statistics Center of Finland came
to the logical conclusion that in large cities that attract professionals, people earn more.
According to statistics on March 7, the median salary of employees at full and partial rates in 2017
was 17.4 euros per hour before taxes, including overtime and bonuses.
Median means that half of the workers received less than this amount, and half more.

Analysts say that in large municipalities with a population of over 200 thousand people, such like Helsinki, Espoo, Tampere, Oulu, 62% were professional workers and managers, while their salary was higher than the rest of the workers.
Residents of large cities received 19.1 euros per hour, while in small
localities the median salary was only 15.8 euros.
At the same time, outside the large municipalities, the most people worked in offices, as well as in sales and services.
In points with a population of less than 50 thousand, 27% were employed in the construction sector and transportation.
Previous years data
According to
Median income in Finland 3,000 euros per month before taxes
The most common income level of full-time and salaried employees in Finland was
some 2,500 euros per month in 2016, according to fresh data from the country's
statistics-crunching agency.
Statistics Finland reports that the median of
total earnings of full-time wage and salary earners was EUR 3,001 per month in 2016.
The most common salary band for full-time and salaried workers in Finland was just over 2,500 euros per month last year,
according to Statistics Finland. That pre-income-tax balance includes a
worker's basic salary, bonuses, overtime pay and benefits -
but does not include performance-based bonuses, holiday pay or deductions.
The agency 's Structure of Earnings data for 2016 takes a look at the wages and salaries of people who work at companies or agencies that employ more than five workers in both the public and private sectors.
Some 69,000 people - the largest group of wage and salary earners in the same income bracket - took in between 2,500-2599 euros per month last year. These workers typically worked in fields such as nursing, early childhood education and construction.
63% of workers earned less than average
The statistics agency reports that the median of total earnings of full-time wage and salary earners was EUR 3,001 per month. In other words, one-half of full-time wage and salary earners earned less than this, while the other half earned more.
The average of total earnings, on the other hand, was some 3,369 euros per month.
Some 63 percent of full time workers earned less than the average salary, which the agency attributed to those in higher income brackets boosting overall income averages.
Highest median earners 40-44 years old
Statistics Finland says that it was full-time wage and salary employees between the ages of 40 to 44 who had the highest median earnings in 2016.
The agency attributed the higher earnings of people in their lower
40s to having managerial and professional jobs, saying
that those jobs are higher-paying than in other occupations.
Last year, 58 percent of people aged 40 to 44 held managerial, professional and associate professional positions, while the share for those in their early 20s was 17 percent. For managers and professionals aged over 60 the share was 52 percent.
The agency noted that the most common occupational group of people in their early 40s was nurses, because it is classified as an associate professional job.
"In the age group 20 to 24, the most common occupational group was shop sales assistants, and for those aged over 60 it was office cleaners," the report reads.
Younger set work, earn less
On the other side of the spectrum was the youngest age group on the scale; people aged 15 to 19 earned some 2,030 euros per month.
The median earnings of workers between the ages of 20 to 24
were some 2,279 euros per month. The younger age set also
had the fewest number of workers, according to the agency's report.
Sources - Yle