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St. Petersburg - Helsinki

1 🚆🚄 Timetable St.P. → Helsinki
2 🚄🚆 Timetable Helsinki → St.P.
3 🚗🚌 Подробности о способах добраться:

| Lux Express | Allegro | Ecolines | 🛪 |
4 🛄💰 Правила провоза багажа в поезде Аллегро
5 💰📱 Правила провоза товаров и наличных денег
6 💰📱 Что взять в дорогу
St. Petersburg Helsinki

I live in Finland since 2012 and here I share my experience gained in more than 200 trips between St. Petersbug and Finland by trains, buses, small buses, and cars.

Timetable Helsinki - St. Petersburg
Depar ture time Arri val time Trans Price (approxi mately) Place of depar ture (Click to see map)
🚆 6:20 (winter time)
7:20 (summer time)
10:47 VR (Allegro Train) 30 - 100€

Book Tickets
Hel sinki Rail way Sta tion
🚌 8:00 16:10 (winter time)
15:10 (summer time)
Ecolines 940₽

Book Tickets
🚌 7:30 (winter time)
8:30 (summer time)
16:25 Lux Express 1500₽

Book Tickets
🚆 10:00 (winter time)
11:00 (summer time)
14:27 VR (Allegro Train) 30 - 100€

Book Tickets
Hel sinki Rail way Sta tion
11:00 18:30 AMG, RTC and other 1000₽ Park ing place behind Finn kino
🚌 11:00 (winter)
12:00 (summer)
19:50 Sovavto 1170₽ Kamppi
🚌 14:30 (winter time)
15:30 (summer time)
23:30 Ecolines 940₽

Book Tickets
🚌 14:00 (winter time)
15:00 (summer time)
22:55 Lux Express 1500₽

Book Tickets
🚆 15:00 (winter time)
16:00 (summer time)
19:27 VR (Allegro Train) 30 - 100€

Book Tickets
Hel sinki Rail way Sta tion
15:00 22:30 AMG, RTC and other 1000₽ Park ing place behind Finn kino
🚆 17:44 (winter time)
18:39 (summer time)
01:18 VR (Leo Tolstoy Train) 70€

Book Tickets
Hel sinki Rail way Sta tion
🚆 19:00 (winter time)
20:00 (summer time)
23:27 VR (Allegro Train) 30 - 100€

Book Tickets
Hel sinki Railway Sta-tion
20:00 4:00 AMG, RTC and other 1000₽ Park ing place behind Finn kino
🚌 21:30 (winter time)
22:30 (summer time)
6:25 Lux Express 1500₽

Book Tickets
🚌 22:00 (winter time)
23:00 (summer time)
6:25 Ecolines 940₽

Book Tickets
🚌 22:50 (winter time)
23:50 (summer time)
7:45 Lux Express 1500₽

Book Tickets
Timetable St.Petersburg - Helsinki
Time of depar ture Time of arri val Ope rationPri ce (approx imately) Place of depar ture
🚆 06:01 12:30 (winter time)
13:30 (summer time)
VR (Leo Tolstoy Train) 70€

Book Tickets
🚇Ladozh skaya (Ladozh sky rail way sta tion)
🚌 06:15 12:50 (winter time)
13:50 (summer time)
Lux Express 1500₽

Book Tickets
🚇Obvod ny Kanal (Bus sta tion)
🚆 06:40 09:07 (winter time)
10:07 (summer time)
VR (Allegro Train) 30 - 100€

Book Tickets
🚇Lenin Square (Finland sky rail way sta tion)
🚌 07:00 13:00 (winter time)
14:15 (summer time)
Ecolines 1450₽

Book Tickets
🚇Pushkin skaya (Corner of Zagorod niy prospekt and Vveden skoy street)
07:00 14:00 AMG, RTC and other 1000₽ 🚇Vosstanya Square
🚌 07:00 15:00 (winter)
16:00 (summer)
Sovavto 1170₽ 🚇 Обвод ный канал (Авто вокзал)
🚌 11:00 17:35 (winter time)
18:35 (summer time)
Lux Express 1500₽

Book Tickets
🚇 Obvod ny Kanal (Bus sta tion)
🚆 11:30 13:57 (winter time)
14:57 (summer time)
VR (Allegro Train) 30 - 100€

Book Tickets
🚇Lenin Square (Finland sky rail way sta tion)
🚌14:20 21:30 (winter time)
22:30 (summer time)
Ecolines 940₽

Book Tickets
🚇Pushkin skaya (Corner of Zagorod niy prospekt and Vveden skoy street)
🚌 15:00 21:35 (winter time)
22:35 (summer time)
Lux Express 1500₽

Book Tickets
🚇 Obvod ny Kanal (Bus sta tion)
🚆 15:30 17:57 (winter time)
18:57 (summer time)
VR (Allegro Train) 30 - 100€

Book Tickets
🚇Lenin Square (Fin land station)
🚆 20:30 22:57 (winter time)
23:57 (summer time)
VR (Allegro Train) 30 - 100€

Book Tickets
🚇Lenin Square (Fin land station)
21:00 05:00 AMG, RTC and other 1000₽ 🚇Vosstanya Square
23:00 06:00 AMG, RTC and other 1000₽ 🚇Vosstanya Square
🚌 23:20 06:30 (winter time)
06:00 (summer time)
Ecolines 940₽

Book Tickets
🚇 Pushkin skaya (Corner of Zagorod nogo and Vveden skoy)
🚌 23:30 06:05 (winter time)
07:05 (summer time)
Lux Express 1500₽

Book Tickets
🚇Obvod ny Kanal (Bus sta tion)


More Details

Door to Door Transfer
ID Means of Trans port Trip Time Price
1 Door to Door Transfer 6 - 10 hours, depends on other pass engers 1700 RUB
Usually it is in the general line and it also take a log time to collect / transport people.

All «companies» are about the same, and although there are many of them in search engines output most of websites are just websites and they do not have their own buses. I will not reccomend any specific website or company unless I am paid for it.

You need to type in enter in yandex

Трансфер из СПб в Хельсинки от адреса до адреса
And you will see all the variety of offers.
Small bus from 🚇Vossta nya Square
ID Means of Trans port Trip Time Price
2 Small bus from 🚇Vossta nya Square 6 - 9 hours From 1400 RUB
Passes the border on a separate strip. But sometimes you can be put in a small bus, which at the border will stand with everyone. Specify when ordering. Almost does not collect people in St. Petersburg.

In Helsinki it is goes to the addresses specified by passengers. Specifying address cost something like 200 RUB. May stop by the airport.

The latter carries those who travel not to the address but to the center. for the delivery to the address you need to pay 200 RUB.

Back from Helsinki, the cheapest way to go from the center, but the bus can go to the airport and this can be lost for an hour.

It stops at a gas station in Russia, where you can eat and go to the toilet.

There is no toilet in the bus, and the seats are not very comfortable. It stops at the Duty-free shop. The passengers can be collected in various places, for example in Hamina, Kotka, Porvoo, and Vanta. Recently, it started to carry passenger to the specified addresses in St. Petersburg for an additional fee, which significantly increased the time of Travel.

There are several such carriers, I will not advise anyone yet, they are roughly similar.
🚌Bus Lux express
ID Means of Trans port Trip Time Price
3 🚌Bus Lux express 6 - 7 hours 1700 RUB, sometimes there are discounts, there is a good loyalty program for freq uent customers
Passes the border on a separae strip for busses. Does not collect people in St.Petersburg or Helsinki. Only offical stops. Does not visit duty-free shop. Only two stops in Helsinki - Vantaa Airport and Kamppi bus stop. Has non-obligatory stop at Kotka. There are toilet free drinks, multimedia screens with free headphones.

Seats in the bus are way more comfortable that in small busses and significantly comfortable than ones in Allegro train. Sometimes Wi-Fi works fine, somtimes not. You can ask drivers for help.

If time is ok and I just need to go to Helsinki city center I would prefer Lux Express

Now there are 4 departures per day check the timetable.
🚌Bus EcoLines
ID Means of Trans port Trip Time Price
4 🚌Bus EcoLines 7-8 hours 1400 RUB, sometimes there are discounts, there is a loyalty program for freq uent customers.
Passes the border on a separae strip for busses. Does not collect people in St.Petersburg or Helsinki. Only offical stops. Does not visit duty-free shop.

Has non-obligatory stop in Vyborg, Hamina, Kotka, Porvoo. In Helsinki it stops only in Kamppi .

Bus has a toilet, free drinks, multimedia screens with headphones for additional 50 RUB (or you can use your own for free). Seats are almost as comfortable as in LuxExpress, Wi-Fi is working from time to time.

Hint: in some buses light in toilet is activated automatically after you close the door. Do not waste your time searching for the switch.

3 departures per day. Similar to Lux Express, slightly cheaper and slower.
ID Means of Trans port Trip Time Price
5 🚆Train 3 hours 36 minutes From 30 EUR, depends on weekday
Fastest and somewhat most comfortable way to go. Border checks are done inside the car. There are restaurant, toilets, free water. More strict rules on transporting baggage than in bus.

List of stops: Vyborg, Vainikkala, Kouvola, Lahti, Tikkurila.

Usually I buy tickets at vr.fi when there are tickets for 30 EUR.
ID Means of Trans port Trip Time Price
6 🚗Car 5 hours + time at border Calcu late your fuel comsumption + Greencard or whatever document you need / amou nt of trips
Do not forget documents related to your car. Insurance, greencard, study local traffic regulation rules, and check parking rules here
ID Means of Trans port Trip Time Price
Search in vk.com communities or other websites. I can not say that I recommend this but I had to travel with other people when I lived in Lappeenranta.

vk.com community «Finland for weekendе»

Helsinki from Air


Rules for hand baggage in Allegro

Аллегро пассажир с багажем For the placement of hand luggage on trains of direct Russian-Finnish railway communication, the passenger should use specially reserved places located directly near the passenger's place.

There are no luggage cars in the Train of the Russian-Finnish railway communication.

Allowed to carry as hand Luggage

The passenger has the right to carry hand Luggage, if it does not contradict customs or other rules official body. Baggage must not be dangerous or harmful to the health of passengers, the environment or property. One ticket is allowed:

Attention! The bicycle can be transported in disassembled and packed form. The maximum dimensions of the package are 100˟60˟40 cm.

Transportation of oversized hand Luggage in the «Allegro» train

Restrictions on carrying hand luggage

It is prohibited to carry the following items in passenger cars: fetid, flammable, flammable, spontaneous, explosive, poisonous, corrosive and radioactive substances, as well as loaded weapons, birds and animals (except dogs and cats) and objects prohibited for transportation by customs regulations.

The passenger is obliged to compensate for all the damage caused by his fault when carrying hand luggage.

Attention! The Federal Customs Service of Russia charges a duty for hand luggage weighing more than 35 kg. Customs rules for passengers tulli.fi and customs.ru

Restrictions on the importation of food products

Outside the EU, especially in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine African swine fever is spread.

Disease is not transmitted to a human, but in case of penetration into Finland, it can become a threat to the production of pork in Finland.

It is prohibited to import products of animal origin, including meat, meat products, milk and dairy products from countries outside European Union including Russia.




Rules for the movement of cash by individuals
and (or) cash instruments across the customs border of the Eurasian Economic Union

04.05.2017 14:42

July 5, 2010 at the meeting of the Interstate Council of the Eurasian Economic Community, which was held in Astana (Kazakhstan), the Agreement on the procedure for the movement by individuals of cash and (or) monetary instruments across the customs border of the Customs Union (hereinafter - the Treaty) the procedure for the importation / exportation by individuals of cash and / or monetary instruments.

According to the Contract, «cash» means banknotes in the form of banknotes and treasury notes, coins, with the exception of coins made of precious metals, which are in circulation and are legal tender in the Member States of the customs union or foreign countries (group of foreign states), including those withdrawn or withdrawn from circulation, but subject to exchange for circulation of banknotes in circulation.

«Money instruments» are traveler's checks, bills of exchange, checks (bank checks), as well as securities in documentary form, certifying the issuer's (debtor's) obligation to pay money, which does not specify the person to whom such payment is made.

Rules for the export of cash and cash

One-time export of cash and (or) monetary instruments physical person from the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union in the present time is carried out without restrictions. It is necessary to take into account following:

When calculating the total amount of transferred cash, it is foreign currency, and currency of the Russian Federation.

Removal by an individual of monetary instruments, with the exception of traveler's checks, is carried out under the condition customs declaration in writing by filing a passenger customs declarations regardless of the amount.

In the case of export of cash and (or) monetary instruments by an individual who has not reached age of 16, the customs declaration in writing is made by the person, his accompanying: one of the parents, an adoptive parent, guardian or guardian of that person, other accompanying persons his person or representative of the carrier in the absence of accompanying persons, and with an organized departure groups of minors unaccompanied by parents, adoptive parents, guardians or trustees, others persons - the head of the group or the representative of the carrier.

Rules for the importation of cash and cash

One-time importation of cash and / or money instruments by an individual to the customs The territory of the Eurasian Economic Union is currently being implemented according to the same rules as export.


Features of filling the passenger customs declaration when you import / export money
and (or) monetary instruments for a total amount of more than US $ 10,000

When importing/exporting money and (or) monetary instruments for a total amount more than 10 000 US dollars in the passenger customs declaration in subparagraph 3.2 of point 3 «Basic Form » declarant notifies of the transfer cash currency of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union, foreign currency, traveler's checks in an amount exceeding the equivalent of 10,000 and (or) a bill, checks (bank checks) by affixing corresponding to the mark in the « yes ».

If the answer is «yes» the declarant fills in Additional declaration form «Declaration of cash and (or) monetary instruments ».

In the Additional form «the declaration of cash and (or) monetary instruments » the following information is specified:

  1. Date and place of birth of the individual;
  2. Requisites of the document (visa if it is available), confirming the right of foreign citizen or stateless person to stay (reside) on the territory of the state - The Eurasian Economic Union;
  3. The address of the place of residence (registration) is for residents of the Eurasian Economic union or place of stay on the territory of a member state of the Eurasian Economic Community. union for non-residents of the Eurasian Economic Union (place, planned temporary stay, for example, the name of the hotel);
  4. Information on monetary instruments (excluding traveler's checks):
    • - type of money and tools;
    • - name of the issuer;
    • - Release date;
    • - identifying number (if any).

Information on the origin of cash and (or) monetary instruments, and also about the intended use; Information on the owner of cash and (or) monetary instruments, if they are not the property of the declarant; Information on the route and mode of transportation (about the mode of transport) of cash and (or) monetary instruments. When customs declaring monetary instruments (with the exception of traveler's checks) in the passenger customs declaration the nominal value is indicated or the corresponding amount in the currency of a member state of the Eurasian Economic Union or foreign currency, the right to receive which certifies a monetary instrument. In the absence of a nominal value and the impossibility to determine the amount in foreign currency member state of the Eurasian Economic Union or foreign currency in Passenger customs declaration indicates the amount of money being transferred tools.

As for import and export, cash and traveler's checks in the general the amount not exceeding $10,000, they can be declared at will physical person.

The declaration is filled out by hand clearly and legibly or with the use of printers devices of electronic computers (size 210 × 296 mm (A4 format)).

The procedure for filling out the passenger customs declaration was approved by the Commission Decision Customs Union of June 18, 2010 № 287 « On the approval of the form of the passenger customs declaration and the order of filling passenger customs declaration ».

Electronic form of passenger customs declaration

Attention! When the blank form of the passenger customs declaration It should be taken into account that the blank is printed on the front and back sides sheet format A4.

Individuals can move cash without declaration, traveler's checks and securities between the member states of the Eurasian economic union.

🔝  source

Что взять в дорогу. Lifehacks

Часто бывает так, что многие вещи оказываются очень нужны в поездке, но их нет. Приходится покупать в ближайшем магазине без оглядки на цену. Мы однажды забыли взять селфи-палку в Италию, и в Риме заплатили за самую простейшую целых 10 евро.

Советуем заранее обдумать, чем Вы захотите воспользоваться в дороге и купить всё ещё дома.

Подушка для шеи

Пригодится тем, у кого долгий перелёт или запланирована поездка на автобусе.

Если Вы часто путешествуете на LuxExpress то через 40 поездок получите VIP статус и водители будут предлагать вам бесплатные подушку и плед перед каждой поездкой.

Пока Вы не получили этот статус, или если едете на Ecolines или другом автобусе советуем Вам приобрести подушки для путешествий. Они могут быть как обычными.

Так и надувными. Надувные менее удобные, но зато почти не занимают места.

Также советуем присмотреться к спальным наборам

Горячие напитки

В Lux Express, Ecolines и у других хороших перевозчиков есть автоматы с бесплатными горячими напитками. Можно пользоваться одноразовыми стаканчиками, но наш опыт показал, что удобнее брать с собой термокружку или термостакан.

Кружки для путешествий обязательно должны иметь крышку, чтобы Вы не пролили горячие напитки на соседей пока идёте от автомата по проходу.


Часто в дороге возникает желание послушать музыку или аудиокнигу.

Иногда хочется отвлечься от посторонних звуков, но почти нигде кроме LuxExpress не выдают наушники, советуем приобрести их заранее.

Я последние два года пользуюсь наушниками от Philips , Philips и Sony .

MP3 плеер

Уже много лет музыку можно слушать на смартфоне, поэтому от былой популярности mp3 плееров не осталось и следа.

Однако в долгой поездке лишняя нагрузка на аккумулятор телефона особенно заметна. Можно решить эту проблему с помощью внешнего аккумулятора, но иногда удобнее взять в дорогу компактный mp3 плеер, на которому музыку можно слушать до 24 часов подряд.

Выбор сейчас не самый лучший. Sony делают отличные маленькие плееры , которые работают целые сутки но дешевые всего по 4 Гб, что для аудиокниг, мягко говоря, не слишком много

Плеер Sony Walkman изображение с сайта www.HeiHei.ru
Фото ©: HeiHei.ru / снято на Samsung

У нас уже мини-коллекция таких плееров. За десять лет аккумулятор сел и держит всего пять часов. Заказали новую модель - без колесика. Она более удачная, проще навигация и меньше лишних писков при переключении - актуально в ночное время.

Но звук похуже - больше шумов.

Остальные модели довольно дорогие, можете сами убедиться у них на сайте.

Мы не можем понять как плеер может стоить дороше чем смартфон наверное там какие-то сверхъестественные функции.

Если Вы слушаете только музыку, можно брать любой плеер. Но если вы слушаете книги или длинные подкасты обратите внимание на то, с какой скоростью можно перематывать.

Сейчас в качестве плеера я использую кнопочный мобильный телефон Philips E168 - обошёл несколько магазинов, большинство телефонов уже даже не могут проигрывать музыкальные файлы подряд.

Если Вы собираетесь приобрести что-то из электроники - переходите в магазин наших партнёров Apple Avenue
Перейти в магазин электроники

Внешний аккумулятор

Во время длительного перелёта или поездки в автобусе Вашим устройствам может потребоваться подзарядка, а розетки есть далеко не везде.

Хорошим решением этой проблемы может стать внешний аккумулятор.

Изучить цены можно ЗДЕСЬ

Где хранить деньги

Чтобы не потерять деньги, но при этом иметь их всегда под рукой нужно пользоваться специальными кошельками

Хороший чемодан

Часто бывает так, что у чемодана отваливается ручка или колесо, причём в самый неподходящий момент. Новый чемодан, купленный на курорте на скорую руку может оказаться не лучше того, который Вас подвёл.

Чтобы максимально обезопасить себя от возможных поломок, советуем приборести хороший чемодан.


Рекомендуем приобрести рюкзак с поддержкой спины. С таким рюкзаком , особенно если одеть хорошие стельки обзорные экскурсии и дорога в аэропорт будут приносить только радость.

Нам нравятся рюкзаки фирмы Everest, которые можно купить в магазинах Stadium и все рюкзаки, которые похожи на них по качеству.

Большой выбор рюкзаков Вы можете найти на сайте Планета Спорт лучшие цены обычно доступны при покупке онлайн.

Перейти на сайт Планета Спорт


Чтобы не уставать от отдыха нужна удобная обувь. Мы советуем обратить внимание на онлайн магазин кроссовок DC

Удобную обувь можно сделать ещё лучше подобрав себе хорошие стельки. Мы советуем сделать индивидуальные стельки. Например, в Intersport эта услуга стоит 60 евро. Если на это нет времени или свободных средств - выберить стельки онлайн.

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