How to get from St. Petersburg to Tampere
1) You can take
Allergo train
St. Petersburg - Lahti, Lahti - Riihimaki, Riihimaki - Tampere, busstop to Hervanta is
across the road, busnumbers 3 and 13, busstop Hervantakeskus is close to the DUO moll
- This method seems most fast and comfortable to me, but you need to change transport several times.
- The Cheapest price is for the morning Allergo 6:40 am, it is about 55-60 euros
2) You can take a door-to-door transfer from address in St. Petersburg to address in Tampere.
«Трансфер из СПб в Тампере»
Open the website
and pase it there.
The price is 2000 RUB. They can ask you to pay 50 EUR, but usually it is cheaper to pay in RUB.
The worst thing in transfer is time that can or can not be lost
during the process of gathering all passengers. Sometimes it takes more than two hours before
you can leave St. Petersburg.
So the road can take 8 - 12 hours.
- The best thing is that you do not need to change transport. When I need to
take heavy lagguage I use door-to-door transfer.
There are various ways to travel to Tampere via Helsinki. I will review some options to reach Helsinki from St. P.
From St. Petersburg to Helsinki
3) На Allegro train around 39 EUR in the morninig
4) Semi-regular bus, РТЦ or any other, they start from Ploshad' Vosstania (Площадь восстания)
metro station near "Bookvoed" shop (Буквоед) and stop near the railway station. There can be some additional time-consuming stops especially
close to Helsinki, but compared to transfer you loose less time.
The advantage of this method is its price 800 RUB in the night.
5) If you need to go to Helsinki in the daytime you can take Lux Express,
there is a coffee machine, toilet and movies in the bus, and it is most comfortable among all busses mentioned here.
It travels according to timetable, usually does not wait long on the border. Normal price is around 1800 RUB but there are
some tickets for 900 RUB. I recommend to open PINS account, it will give you some discount.
From Helsinki to Tampere
6) Direct VR train usually costs 23 EUR.
7) Regular Onnibus costs from 2 EUR.
8) Other busses: Onniexpress
Big gaps in the timetable Expressbus Usually expensive.
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Community "~Транспорт и Пассажиры из России в Финляндию~"
Community "ФИНЛЯНДИЯ"
My way
Previously I was using 4) and 7). The bus is in Helsinki at 6 AM. Now I prefer 5) and 7)
Transfer from address to address
By shuttle bus to Tampere, from the address to the address
In you can type
Трансфер из СПб в Тампере
And find yourself a minibus.
The issue price is 2000 rubles. Can offer to pay in euros, for example, 50 euros,
but this is not profitable.
The main drawback of the transfer is the time spent on collecting and delivering
passengers to addresses, it can take a total of hours 5 and even more, i.е. a transfer
Tampere - Petersburg from 12 hours is quite real, say, through Vsevolozhsk or
Good point is that there are no additional transfers and consequently,
no need to carry your luggage.
In the opposite direction, the transfer from address to address is ordered in the same way. In Yandex you can type
Трансфер из Тампере в СПб
Keep in mind that carriers are often tied to aircraft flights, so
there is no point in negotiation about the time.
They can agree with your terms but at the end arrive at the time they
originally specified.
For example if you were first told that they will arrive at 20 00 but you
prefer to go at
18 00 and ask them to pick you up earlier they can agree, but with a
high probability they will not.
The worst thing that sometimes happens during such transfers is when the
driver is waiting for a flight to arrive to Helsinki airport.
You will be told that someone
is late from the plane, and will have to wait up to couple of hours.
But usually this does not happen, and whole trip take about 9-10 hours.
Our fastest trip was 7 hours, longest 12 hours.
By Bus
2) There are two options to get to Helsinki: cheaper
RTC и другие небольшие перевозчики
or larger
Luxexpress is much more comfortable, it has wi-fi, a vending machine with hot drinks and a toilet.
It travels to Helsinki in about 7 hours and can
stop at the gas station Teboil (washer) and in Kotka.
It is advisable to buy tickets online, as usually there are not many empty seats.
It costs a little more expensive and lands only in the center of Helsinki at the Kamppi bus
station and also does not call in Duty Free,
therefore, you need to choose based on your preferences and schedule.
Small carriers can take you to an address in Helsinki or Vanta and
drop off along the way, say in Porvoo or Kotka.
From Helsinki, Luxexpress picks up only at Kamppi and travels to St. Petersburg around the time the metro opens.
Smaller buses can pick you up
at the airport or on the road if they are comfortable and go to the Uprising with a stop at the Black River (Chyornaya Rechka - Чёрная речка) and sometimes somewhere else.
St. Petersburg - Lahti - Tampere
Allegro train
to Lahti (from 30 euros). In Lahti, the new bus station directly
adjacent to the railway.
We leave and take the bus to Tampere. If you buy in advance on
you can meet the 5.5 euros.
If you want to drive fast and not too expensive - then this is the best option.
But this option does not work with evening allegro, because
so late buses from Lahti to Tampere do not travel.
From Tampere to Petersburg, everything was about the same as in the opposite direction, I did not see any pitfalls.
St. Petersburg - Lahti - Riihimäki - Tampere
4) На
Allegro train to Lahti (from 30 euros), from Lahti to Riihimäki (from 6.8 euros),
from Riihimäki to Tampere (from 16.6 euros). There is a bus stop near the station
We pass directly, we cross the road.
If you need, for example, to Hervanta, then we take the bus number 3, 6 or 20. The center of Hervanta is the Hervantakeskus stop next to the shopping center
DUO center
- This method is good if you want to get there quickly, but there are no cheap bus tickets from Lahti to Tampere. Allows a little bit
save in comparison with the option through Tikkurila, but you need to do an extra transplant.
- The price of the issue, if you go to the morning Allegro at 6:40, is about 55-60 euros.
St. Petersburg - Tikkurila - Tampere
5)This method I would describe as "expensive and cheerful." You can get there very quickly, in theory, faster than 5 hours and you need to do just one change. All tickets can be bought at . The only caveat - in the summer the last allegro comes too late and on you can’t catch the transfer.
Тампере - Тиккурила - СПб
Из Тампере также просто покупаем билеты на
St.P. - Helsinki - Tampere (train)
6) Take a train for about 5 hours plus change. Take the train directly via Helsinki does not make much sense, because faster transfer to Tikkuril or you can choose a more difficult route through Lahti.
Тампере - Хельсинки - СПб (поезд)
Аналогично и из Тампере ехать на поезде через Хельсинки обычно смысла нет. Можно выйти в Тиккуриле и сэкономить пару десятков минут.
St. Petersburg - Vantaa - Tampere
7) Покупаем билет в amgtravel
до Аэропорта Вантаа. И билет из Vantaa в Tampere на сайте
В аэропорту следуя указателям спускаемся к поездам.
квазикольцевая ветка электричек в Хельсинки-Ванте
Ехать нужно до остановки Kivisto. Это меньше 10 минут. Выйти, дойти до остановки
Keimolanportti которая возле заправки-закусочной и ждать onnibus.
From Tampere to St. Petersburg
Tampere - Vantaa - St. Petersburg
Buy Onnibus ticket from Tampere to Vantaa and order a place int the or
RTC bus
From Vantaa Airport to St. Petersburg. These buses make stop in the airport around 8:40 PM
Get into the Onnibus which is on Tampere - Helskinki route. You can do it e.g. in Hervanta near DUO | |
Leave the bus at Keimola-Vantaa station. | |
You are at Keimola around 20:00. Follow the direction pointed by the green arrow. | |
Go downstairs to a tunnel and turn left. | |
Walk approximately 250 meters to the Kivisto railway station. | |
Here is a photo of the tunnel (picture captured at 21.10.2016) | |
When you see this stairs go upstrairs (follow the green arrows). The blue arrow is pointing to the Kivisto railway station. | |
Enter the station and go downstairs to the trains. | |
If you were entering the station same way I did then you need the left track. Anyway, it is better to doublecheck it. You need the train to the airport (Lentoasema) which leaves at 20:10 | |
If you are late for this train you can take the next one at 20:25 and still be in time It is a ring road but it will take much more time to reach the airport in opposite direction. | |
Go to the airport (Lentoasema) station - it is the second stop and it takes approximately 10 minutes to be there. | |
Find the Т2 terminal of Vantaa airport
Go upstairs, and follow the guidlines. | |
Go up to the second flour. | |
Exit the terminal and go to the bus. It leaves approximately at 20:40 but you can call the driver assistant to specify you situation if you are bit late. | |
You can arrive to St. Petersburg Vosstaniya Square at 03:30.
Route takes about 9 hours and looks like this |
It is a relatively comples way to travel to St. Petersburg for experienced travelers. This method allows to save one hour.
St. Petersburg - Tampere by car
8) Здесь всё просто - физически ближе ехать через Лахти, и дорога там более красивая, но она двухполосная и ограничения по
скорости ниже, поэтому многие ездят через Хельсинки, объезжая город по кольцевой.
St. Petersburg → Helsinki (train) → Tampere (bus)
9) Довольно необычная комбинация, которой я пользовался всего один раз, когда ехал летом на вечернем Аллегро и вынужден был ждать ночной автобус до Тампере. Не рекомендую повторять без крайней необходимости.
St. Petersburg → Helsinki (bus) - Tampere (train)
10) Способ хорош если ехать на ночной маршрутке и попасть на акцию "поезд до Тампере за 10 евро". Часто бывает так, что поезд
отправлятся раньше чем автобусы. В обратную сторону делал так только один раз, когда проспал onnibus из Тампере в Хельсинки.
11) Ищем из вконтакте. Я не то чтобы советую, но когда жил в Лаппеенранте часто пользовался.
Группа "Финляндия на выходные"
Tampere - Lappeenranta
After route expansion
You can apply an alternative method of travel to St. Petersburg.
On the onnibus to Helsinki, from there on the onnibus to Lappeenranta and from Lappeenranta, for example on the way
to Petersburg. If you buy tickets in advance, then the road from Tampere to Lappeenranta
will cost about 12 euros and about 7 hours on the road.
Those. option is not bad and very budget.
Other methods
14 Other buses:
Does not have many routes.
It used to be very expensive, it’s better to take it by train, but now there are stocks, then the price is no worse than onnibas. But in general, all Finnish carriers
whom I know have already connected to
What to take on the road. Lifehacks
It often happens that many things are very necessary on a trip, but they are not. You have
to buy at the nearest store without looking at the price. We once forgot to take a selfie stick in
Italy, and Rome paid as much as 10 euros for the simplest.
We advise you to think in advance what you want to use on the road and buy everything at home.
Neck Pillow
It will be useful for those who have a long flight or a planned bus trip.
If you often travel by
then after 40 trips you will get
VIP status and drivers will offer you a free pillow and blanket before
every trip.
Until you have received this status, or if you are going to
or another bus we advise you to purchase pillows for
travel. They can be as usual.
And inflatable. Inflatable ones are less comfortable, but they take up almost no space.
We also advise you to take a closer look at the sleeping sets
Hot drinks
Lux Express, Ecolines and other good carriers
have vending machines with free hot drinks.
You can use disposable cups, but our experience has shown that
it is more convenient to take a thermos cup or a thermos cup with you.
Travel mugs must have a lid so that you don't
spill hot drinks on your neighbors while walking down the aisle from the vending machine.
Often on the road there is a desire to listen to music or an audiobook.
Sometimes I want to distract myself from extraneous sounds, but almost nowhere else
they do not give out headphones, we advise you to purchase them in advance.
I've been using headphones from
MP3 player
For many years, music can be listened to on a smartphone, so there is no trace of the former popularity of mp3 players
However, on a long trip, the extra load on the phone's battery is especially noticeable. You can solve
this problem is solved using
external battery, but sometimes it is more convenient to take
on the road, a compact mp3 player on which you can listen to music for up to 24 hours in a row.
The choice is not the best right now.
great little players
, which work all day but are cheap at only 4 GB, which is not too much for audiobooks, to put it mildly
We already have a mini-collection of such players. For ten years, the battery has sat down and holds everything
five o'clock. We ordered a new model - without a wheel. It is more successful,
easier navigation and fewer unnecessary squeaks when switching - relevant at night.
But the sound is worse - more noise.
The rest of the models are quite expensive, you can see for yourself on their
We can't figure out how
it may be more expensive, we can understand how
may cost more than
probably there are some supernatural functions.
If you only listen to music, you can take any player.
But if you listen to books or long podcasts
pay attention to the speed at which you can rewind.
Now I use a push-button mobile phone as a player
Philips E168
- visited several stores, most of the phones
they can't even play music anymore
files in a row.
If you are going to buy something from electronics - go to
our partners' store
Apple Avenue
visit shop
External battery
During a long flight or a bus ride to your devices
it may require recharging, and sockets are not everywhere.
An external battery can be a good solution to this problem.
You can study the prices
Where to store money
In order not to lose money, but at the same time to have them always at hand, you need to use special wallets
Nice suitcase
It often happens that the handle or wheel falls off the suitcase, and
at the most inopportune moment. A new suitcase bought at the resort in a hurry
it may not be better than the one who let you down.
In order to protect yourself as much as possible from possible breakdowns, we advise you to purchase a good
We recommend buying a backpack with back support. With such a backpack
, especially if you wear good insoles sightseeing tours
and the road to the airport will bring only joy.
We like Everest backpacks that you can buy in Stadium stores and
all backpacks that are similar to them in quality.
You can find a large selection of backpacks on the website
Planet Sport
the best prices are usually available when buying online.
Go to the Planet Sport website
In order not to get tired of rest, you need comfortable shoes. We advise you to pay attention to online sneaker store DC
Comfortable shoes can be made more it is better to pick up a good insole. We advise you to make individual insoles. For example, in Intersport, this service costs 60 euros. If there is no time or free funds for this - - choose insoles online.
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